The HealthCare Blues
A tipping point has been reached,
affecting most Americans everywhere.
The outrage building for a generation,
Against the crime of managed health care.
Capitalism at its worst,
A cynical buck to be made.
Companies offering insurance,
as long as they keep getting paid.
Hospitals and Big Pharma complicit,
To the ever-skyrocketing cost,
That family after family must bear,
As lifetimes of savings are lost.
What kind of country have we become,
If we measure everything by Gain?
Bowing down to the alter of money,
While so many people are in Pain.
An amoral one—if you ask me,
Practically gleeful to build a Wall,
Instead of, heaven forbid,
Offering its citizens Medicare for All.
And before you say its a handout,
Or some government takeover of healing,
Ask yourself,
Am I tired of deductibles and co-pays,
The endless bills with which I am dealing?
True, there's a cost and it ain't cheap,
but it pales compared to more of the same.
Watching HMO's grow dizzingly rich,
While we weigh the risk of not filing that claim.
There is something morally wrong with a system,
Where people wonder if they should seek care,
based on their tenuous ability to pay,
in the midst of a real health scare.
For if we are more than just Big Business,
If D.C. still hears the Body Politic,
Its citizens need much better options,
than the plan I ascribe to—Don't Get Sick.
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