Things I'd Like to See Happen
As an amateur observer, I make dozens of judgments daily. Most are harmless, others are crackpot-like and a few (if I do say so myself) have merit. Regardless of their categorization, these observations float in and out of my conscious mind in random succession all day, every day. In fact, here is a short list of the Things I'd Like to See Happen that I've mulled over just today:
1. People Care More About Their Privacy: Social Media has overwritten the 10th Amendment's inherent implied Right to Privacy. And no one cares. If you don't believe me, troll Facebook, Twitter or Instagram any given hour and it is largely full of the mundane portrayed as glamorous, opinions expressed as facts and blogposts about personal observ...a...t...ions . . . Oh crap.
2. The Return of Jarts: So some idiot gets killed and we all have to suffer? I know it's been about 30 years ago since their ban, but the classic yard game is still missed. In hindsight, however, maybe combining the words javelin and darts may have been a marketing mistake.
3. Another Star Trek Series: It's been eight long years since the final Star Trek spin-off, Enterprise, went off the air. Far too long. There are too many hardcore fans whose weekly Trek needs are going unmet. Yes, I'm being a bit dramatic - but Trekkies tend to be just that. With the advent of Netflix and the cable-style series model of 10-15 episode seasons with high productions values and complex storylines, a new Trek show is just waiting to be made.
4. Middle Eastern Countries Getting Their Shit Together: Good Lord, it's been over a millennia of poverty, corruption and misogyny. I realize your climate largely sucks, but that black gold you're sitting on could be put to far better use than the continued maintenance of antiquated monarchies and ruthless dictatorships.
5. Diseases Getting Cured, Not Managed: If Jonas Salk (who designed the vaccine that cured polio) were alive today he would probably be a salesman for one of large pharmaceutical companies that dominate the global health care industry. The product he would be pushing on doctors? A time-released capsule that keeps your polio in check but certainly never eradicates it. Curing disease is a business killer. Create a patient for life and company profits soar.
6. The Legalization of Marijuana: What was unthinkable a generation ago (much like same-sex marriage) is now being voted on by citizens of American states desperate for revenue. Legalize It, Tax It, Regulate It. For anyone concerned about the further erosion of morals just remember this; legal alcohol abuse wrecks more lives and families than all illegal drugs combined. Peripheral bonus: legalization would render the importation of marijuana from Mexico moot. And no - I'm not a user, just a realist.
7. A Manned Mission to Mars: I wrote about going to Mars a year ago, and I still think it's a good idea. Humanity (not to mention Trek fans) needs something to cheer about. A global effort might help. Heck, I thought we would have been there a generation ago. Makes this Trekkie begin to wonder if that moon landing was faked after all.
8. Closing all Zoos: I'm sorry. I know this is the only way most people can see wild animals up close, but I find zoos the saddest places on Earth. There is no way these animals can possibly look that defeated in the Amazon Rainforest or African Serengeti or Indian Subcontinent.
9. Ban High Fructose Corn Syrup: This preservative kills us slowly, and in many, many ways. Fresh food? Pshaw! I'm a hypocrite of course, having ingested plenty of products with HFCS over the years. Why does this preservative dominate the food industry? Simple - globalization and lifestyle. Many of our foods come from far away and would spoil more quickly otherwise. And, ever since the first TV dinner congealed back in the 1950's, the pace of life for the average American has reached warp speed in the early 21st century. Food prep is a time consuming activity that we no longer wish to endure with any regularity.

10. The Minnesota Vikings Win the Super Bowl: Hey, c'mon - my entire list can't be realistic. Number 1-9 coming true? Don't bet against them for long. Number 10? Well, save your money.
Still, whether I'm harmless, a Crackpot or my ideas have any merit - a guy can dream can't he?
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