'Twas a Month Before Inauguration

'Twas a month before inauguration in the great white North, Where Santa could be found pacing back and forth. You see, the old guy had just received an odd, angry note, From a strange orange man raging about some "unfair" vote. Letters should be from children , Santa distractedly mused, Not grown ass men, bitter about who the voters had choosed. Besides, Kris Kringle wondered , peering through his bifocal glasses, These words are unreadable, did this bozo fail all his classes? Still, St. Nick sat down figuring, Oh, what the heck, I've got a few minutes to read some of this dreck. After all , he chuckled, taking a long sip of his cocoa, A letter from an adult is nice, though this one seems loco . "I won by a lot!" it began. "The election wasn't even close!" And other false claims, all crazy and bellicose. "If those ballot counters had the right priorities, They would have tossed out the votes of those ethnic minorities!" Old Claus chok...