9 Reasons We Don't Sleep Very Well

Every May, June and July for the past decade, I have filled my time umpiring a lot of baseball and softball games. The one guaranteed result from all of these active evenings has been that I sleep pretty well for three months out of the year. No big surprise, just simple math. But all that fresh air reminds me how much better humanity used to sleep than we do in this silly century. Though life was physically more challenging in the past, people undoubtedly slept longer and harder than we do today. After all, they had to. Manual labor was much more the rule than the exception in daily life. Fast-forward to today. The forty hour work week demands very little of us physically. Consequently, we toss and turn at night, our minds occupied by a world that our ancestors would collectively eyeroll at. I'm not saying life was better "back in the day." I am quite content with all of the modern, time-saving devices that keep my hands callous-free. But I can't help not...