Running With Kal
I remember the day I became a runner: May 31, 1985. College was still four months in the future but I was determined to maintain some semblance of good health after high school graduation for one simple reason - vanity. What can I say - the late teens and 20's can be a very narcissistic age. Granted, I was not accumulating ridiculous mileage every week (an easy 2-4 miles every morning), but I rarely missed a day. In fact, at my most obsessive, I logged 18 straight months of running between days off. Hung over? Run. Sick? Run. Subzero temperatures? Run. Blazing heat? Run. With the hindsight of 30 years, I wonder why that kid couldn't schedule more days off now and then. I suppose, besides the physical benefits, I viewed running as therapy - something I could control in a life that was continually experiencing change. It grew into the one constant bridge between life's many rites of passage - college, moving, job change, marriage, ...