A Nation of Nerds
My son - like many millions of other Americans - is in the grips of Soccer Fever. Pardon me, Futbol Fever. This affliction, as predictable as Halley's Comet, comes and goes in the United States rather quickly every four years. As we are currently being repeatedly reminded, soccer/football is the most popular sport everywhere else in the world except here. And I think I know why. Cultural? Bah. Socioeconomic? Pshaw. American Exceptionalism? Give me a break. It's simple really: We are now - more than ever - a nation of nerds. Disclaimer: soccer/football is a great sport requiring incredible footwork, endurance, and heart. World-class players are among the best athletes on the planet. However..... Eternally soccer-mad nations are largely homogeneous. And that just isn't us. Ethnic one-dimensionality hasn't been a part of our history since the establishment of the Jamestown settlement. A multicultural nation such as ours has too many separate histories to...