"What's a Rectum?"

There is nothing more boring or forgettable in elementary school than reading aloud out of a text book. We all remember the activity - a student is randomly chosen to recite a paragraph or two, every other kid silently praying they wouldn't be next. These read-alouds were a good opportunity to daydream. The trick I learned was to multi-task - daydream while simultaneously maintaining a general idea of where in the text someone else was in case I was picked next. Or, if I was smart that day, volunteer to read right away, thereby getting a pass to ignore the text altogether after my turn was over. None of this is to suggest that I was a troublemaker as a kid. Quite the opposite. I was a pleaser - misbehavior was usually something I strongly avoided. And I enjoyed school, as well as most of the academic work teachers doled out to us. Except science. Odd, but I don't remember learning anything ...