An Overdoers Christmas
Sanity seems to take a break off this time of year. From Thanksgiving to Christmas many of us seem to lose our minds - or at least the part that is usually governed by common sense. A feeding frenzy, more often found in piranha than people, grips our collective consciousness and we throw caution, good judgment and good money to the four winds. I'm referring to that annual rite of the holiday season called "Overdoing it". Some of you are nodding your head with a wry smile on your face, aren't you? You were in the club (as I was too). You never imagined you would have been a part of this alliance, but you were once card-carrying members with all of the rights, privileges and lunacy that came with charter membership. And now that you have extracted yourself from the "fun", you can put a name to your former condition - Overdoer. Who are these Overdoers, and what sort of madness grips them this time of year? More importantly, how do we sa...