Middle-Aged Revised
Middle-Aged. Once again, as happened last February (see link ), my inclusion of this dreaded term in my blog description ( Musings of a Middle-Aged Man ) has raised a few hackles of another friend whose age is the same general time zone as mine. Her playful dispute of membership in my age group - and the teasing discussion that followed - made me realize that, although the century is still relatively new, our quaint definitions of age are as outdated as the eight-track tape. New definitions are long overdue. Changes in parenting, the health and wellness revolution, our chronic cosmetic pursuit of the elusive Fountain of Youth - these and other equally valid reasons demand a reclassification of the simplistic terms Childhood , Adulthood , Middle-Aged and Elderly . But before I make the attempt, a disclaimer. Any disparaging remarks I aim towards any age groups I once occupied are entirely self-accusatory and ma...