I am Not Going to Rant
When I created this blog last January I was hoping people would read it. That probably sounds obvious, but I'm not sure all writers write to be read. Well - if I'm being honest - I do. So, to that end I did a little research and also spoke to an established, successful blogger. Both sources told me the same thing - don't use your blog to rant. Ranting turns readers off and leaves them looking as if they had just smelled a soiled diaper. Damn, clipped at the knees before I even started. So, I resisted my natural instincts. Instead, I wrote about topics I thought people would understand and empathize with - parenthood, aging, coffee, the pace of change. Whatever ranting I could sneak in was hidden beneath a mild dose of sarcasm. But with each successive post my inner ranter yearned to break free, especially because today's world offers so much to rant about. But maybe ranting is a young man's game? Perhaps they can get away with it because...