New Technologies, New Questions
I was stopped dead in my tracks last week by an innocent question I posed to my daughter as we were driving to her dance team rehearsal. As soon as the words tumbled out of my mouth, I was struck dumb by how odd my request would have sounded a generation ago. Back then my query would have been met with a puzzled, "Are you nuts?" expression. But now such a question is commonplace, passing the lips of millions of parents, millions of times a day. "Do you have your phone with you?" Twenty-five years ago such a question would have involved carrying a "mobile" phone the size of a shoebox, the kind that a moviegoer sees a soldier in a war film using to call in an airstrike. Now phones are the size of a deck of cards and can do so much more than send and receive calls. The present truly is more incredible than we ever dreamed the future would be. The commonplace question I asked my daughter got me thinking about other watershed moments in recent hist...